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Puning Street
Time:2022-06-08 13:47:14

Puning Street, a commercial street in Chengde city, Hebei province, got its name from the famous Puning Temple along the street.
Puning Street is famous among visitors due to its distinctive Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) characteristics.
All the staff working on Puning Street dress up in Qing Dynasty-style clothing and serve visitors in a style reminiscent of the time. Customers who need to purchase souvenirs and other products need to change their cash into coins from the era, which gives visitors a feeling of having traveled back to a different time.
Puning Street not only gives visitors a chance to buy products such as tea, silk, antiques and jade, but also treats them to traditional folk performances, including acrobatics and storytelling, giving visitors an authentic experience of daily life in the Qing Dynasty.



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Address NO.216 East ZhongShan Road,ShjJiaZhuang City HeBei Province

Postcode 050011 Ji ICP No. 06000020-1